The Beginning of PassTime...

PassTimes began as a one page weekly paper in 2002, when I moved to Queen Creek.  There really wasn’t much in the area at that time and almost anything you wanted, you had to go into ‘town’ for, or so we thought.  One day,  I turned south instead of north and found a thriving, although underappreciated, community of shops, services and stores right in my back yard.  Since there was tremendous growth occurring in the area, it seemed obvious that I wasn’t the only one who didn’t know about the wealth of local merchants.  Out of that realization, PassTimes was born.  

It wasn’t long before we found ourselves providing a valuable service, not only to the business community of Queen Creek, but also to the droves of people who had begun to pick up PassTimes every week and read it for the jokes, stories and trivia it contained.  The readers liked the format (which has changed little over the years) and found the businesses who advertised in PassTimes to be people just like them; honest, hardworking and friendly.  Soon we had a stable of the most reputable and dependable merchants in the area.  People recognized this and responded by buying their goods and services.



One day I noticed that we were getting calls from neighboring communities.  These businesses wanted to tap into the consumers who were flooding into the Queen Creek area and they thought PassTimes was a great way to do it.  They were right and our little paper expanded again.  Soon, it became apparent that PassTimes would be popular in other areas and we expanded into Florence, Coolidge, Apache Junction, Mesa, Gilbert and beyond.  Some of it was due to the ‘boom’ the southeast valley was experiencing, but even when the boom ended we were still left standing.  

Throughout our business life, we have attempted to give back to the communities to which we owed our success.  We did that by using our publication(s) to promote special events, charity events, etc that were supportive of the ethics and ideals we found inherent in a good, old fashioned community.  We joined Chambers of Commerce, attended functions throughout the valley and ardently sought out the values and positives that make this a great place to live.  Somewhere along the line, our effort to provide affordable and  effective advertising, got noticed by the  Phoenix Business Journal who, in association with the Queen Creek Chamber of Commerce, named us Queen Creek Business of the Year in 2007.

Our stated purpose, to ‘help others succeed’, has helped us develop a well deserved reputation for excellent customer service.  We are active in the communities we serve.  Charities, churches and civic organizations know that they can come to PassTimes and get timely and professional help with their advertising, printing and promotional needs.  

Since it’s inception, PassTimes has become one of the most easily recognizable and effective advertising vehicles in the entire Phoenix valley our static, print type of advertizing receives more hits (over 8000 ea. week) than any Web based advertising in the valley.   

In our nearly 18 years of operation, PassTimes, with it’s unique format, has grown to include five publications serving ten distinct towns and cities in the Phoenix market area.  Our devoted and ever growing readership, along with our weekly format, ensures your ad gets seen anew each week. 

The PassTime Paper is an affordable and effective 
form of advertising.
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